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Fund RC-Investments and Banca Intesa will jointly develop Russian regional projects

Moscow, May 26. Banca Intesa and the investment division of Roscongress Foundation - Fund RC-Investments - held their first working meeting within the framework of the joint project office for development of investment and business projects in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The parties agreed to actively cooperate in such important areas as selection, review and analysis of promising investment projects in the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the selection of financial instruments and provision of advisory support for their implementation.

"Creation of project offices together with foreign partners is an interaction mechanism that allows to attract the most effective support tools, to involve partner resources, to create and maintain a stable flow of real working projects. The effect of this initiative is expressed in strengthening of partner relations between the countries-participants", - noted Anton Kobyakov, Adviser of the President of the Russian Federation.

Projects collected at the investment portal of Russian regions will be considered within the framework of the project office work. The portal was launched by Roscongress Foundation together with its subsidiary - Fund RC-Investments - in April 2020 to attract investment in the regions of the Russian Federation. The resource publishes information on promising investment projects implemented in the regions of the Russian Federation, export producers and key social and economic indicators.

"Just over a month has passed since the launch of the regional investment portal - and we can already see an impressive number of published projects and investment applications. The combined base of promising investment projects is a tool that the market lacked. Both entrepreneurs and investors need it. For the former, it is a resource with a clear set of tools and ever-expanding functionality that allows not only to attract the attention of major investors, but also to involve other tools of the ecosystem of the Roscongress Foundation in the project implementation. For investors, this is an opportunity to compare and select projects by a variety of indicators, get advice from the Fund's partners and choose the right and profitable direction for investment," - commented Alexander Stuglev, Chairman of the Management Board and Director of Roscongress Foundation.

"For many years Banca Intesa and Roscongress Foundation have established strong partnership relations, in recent years we have successfully implemented many diverse and complex projects together, in particular, during preparation of the International Economic Forum in St.Petersbourg and the Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona. The activities of the joint project office to develop investment and business projects in Russia are a new and important step in strengthening the partnership. Banca Intesa is ready to take an active part in its work," - said Antonio Fallico, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banca Intesa.

Currently 78 projects from 25 regions of Russia are presented on the portal. The projects are implemented in such sectors as agriculture and forestry, industry, mining, construction, catering, leisure and entertainment and others. More than a third of the projects (34%) are aimed at producing new products or launching new production facilities. In particular, projects on production of pharmaceutical substances, chemical compounds, polymeric coatings, launch of new production at the plant of robotic systems, construction of a bakery, poultry complex, shops for processing of agricultural products and others are presented.

As a result of the portal's work, a unified and publicly available database of investment projects of Russian regions with ratings assigned to them will be formed, and in the future - a single ecosystem focused on the disclosure of economic and investment potential of the regions of the Russian Federation.

For more information, please visit the website.

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