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Work on new physical principles arms unaffected by sanctions, special operation — Rostec

A representative of the state corporation also said that hypersonic weapons, weapons based on new physical principles and systems based on artificial intelligence will become the priorities of the new state armament program for 2024-2033

MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/. Russia has achieved a serious success in the development of weapons based on new physical principles and continues the work, despite Western sanctions and the increased workload in the defense industry in the course of the special military operation, state corporation Rostec has told TASS.

The development of these weapons is based on physical processes and phenomena that were not previously used in conventional weapons or weapons of mass destruction. Depending on the principle of impact, there are laser, electromagnetic, high-frequency, beam, kinetic weapons and others.

"Even in the context of Western sanctions and the pivot of the military-industrial complex to meet the needs of the army to conduct the special operation, work on promising weapons based on new physical principles continues. This work never stops, and there are very serious achievements in this field," a representative of the state corporation said.

Then-Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov said in 2022 that the domestic defense industry is currently busy working on weapons systems based on new physical principles, which will replace traditional ones over the next decade, for example electromagnetic broadband weapons, laser systems that can inflict thermal damage to various targets.

Borisov has also said that hypersonic weapons, weapons based on new physical principles and systems based on artificial intelligence will become the priorities of the new state armament program for 2024-2033.

The Ministry of Defense has stated that air defense troops will receive weapons based on new physical principles in the future, and the relevant developments are already underway. It has also been reported that research and tests were conducted at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan Region to build weapons and military equipment based on new physical principles.