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War to end one day, Russia to defend the truth, Lavrov believes

"We have already drawn our own conclusions, and we will definitely draw conclusions in regard to those who have supported aggression against the Russian Federation so promptly servilely," the minister said

MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. Military action over the West’s designed aggression against Russia will come to an end one day, and Moscow will defend its truth, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday at a press conference on the results of Russia’s diplomatic activities in 2022.

"One day this war will come to an end. We will defend our truth however we can. But I cannot imagine how we’ll live our lives as everything will depend on the conclusions drawn by Europe," Lavrov said, talking about the European countries’ position on the Ukraine crisis.

"We have already drawn our own conclusions, and we will definitely draw conclusions in regard to those who have supported aggression against the Russian Federation so promptly servilely," the minister added.