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Russia refers questions to BTWC regarding US, Kiev biological programs — top brass

"The Russian Federation asked over 20 questions regarding the illegal activity of Kiev and Washington within the framework of BTWC," Igor Kirillov said

MOSCOW, At a meeting of the signatories to Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC) in Geneva, Russia asked over 20 questions regarding the activity of Kiev and Washington, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov told journalists on Monday.

"The Russian Federation asked over 20 questions regarding the illegal activity of Kiev and Washington within the framework of BTWC," Kirillov said.

According to the top brass, the countries parties to the convention were asked about the reasons for the choice of pathogens studied in Ukraine. The Russian Federation also wants to know why the list of the pathogens under study was not related to pressing health problems, in particular as concerns the project to study the causative agent of equinia, which has never been identified in Ukraine.

"How should the accumulation of strains of especially dangerous infections and their transfer to other countries help to improve the situation with infectious diseases?" Kirillov cited another question for the BWC parties.

Russia also wants to know why the emphasis was put on the study of naturally occurring and especially dangerous infections, which are listed among potential biological weapons agents by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Moscow is also interested in the reasons why the US and Ukraine have concealed facts of cooperation in the military-biological sphere in international reporting under the Biological Weapons Convention and why Washington has blocked the development of its verification mechanism since 2001.

"What studies using infectious disease agents and toxic substances have been conducted in Ukrainian military personnel and mental patients, who are among the most vulnerable categories of citizens?" Kirillov cited another question.