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Russia may convoke UN Security Council meeting over Novaya Kakhovka shelling – diplomat

Dmitry Polyansky noted that he could model the discussion at this meeting

MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. Russia may call together a meeting of the UN Security Council over Ukraine’s recent shelling of the city of Novaya Kakhovka, a high-ranking Russian diplomat has said.

"We are thinking it over, but I am not going to disclose all our secrets now, because they may be heard, and some measures may be taken to obstruct them," Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky told the Soloviev Live channel late on Tuesday.

Ukrainian troops regularly shell the populated localities of the Kherson Region after the Kiev regime lost control over it. On Monday night, they delivered a strike on Novaya Kakhovka which resulted in damaged buildings and an explosion at warehouses with mineral fertilizers. The city’s authorities reported at least seven people killed in the bombardment and approximately 70 injured and seven missing.