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Russia’s UN envoy says US, West add fuel to fire by shipping arms to Ukraine

"Almost every day we see reports from Western capitals about new shipments of various weapons to Kiev", Vasily Nebenzya said

UNITED NATIONS, March 18. /TASS/. The US and the rest of the West are exacerbating the conflict in Ukraine by shipping more weapons to the country, Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya on Thursday.

Speaking at a UN Security Council meeting, he said that "almost every day we see reports from Western capitals about new shipments of various weapons to Kiev."

"As recently as yesterday Washington said it would supply Ukraine with defense assistance worth $1 billion as soon as this week," Nebenzya said. "You are adding gasoline to the conflict."

"We state with regret that Ukraine continues to remain a pawn in a geopolitical struggle with Russia," the diplomat went on to say.