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12 diplomats from Russia’s mission to UN heading for airport after being expelled from US

The diplomats were ordered to leave the United States before March 7

NEW YORK, March 6. /TASS/. Twelve Russian diplomats from the Russian mission to the United Nations who were declared personae non grata in the United States on February 28 are heading to the airport, a TASS correspondent reported on Sunday.

The diplomats were ordered to leave the United States before March 7.

The Russian foreign ministry said in response that Moscow considered the expulsion of 12 diplomats as a deliberate and cynical escalation in bilateral relations provoked by Washington. Apart from that, according to reports, the US side is expelling the last Russia officer officially seconded to the UN Department of Peace Operations and is not issuing an entry visa to other Russian defense ministry candidates.

The Russian foreign ministry noted that Moscow doesn’t want to expel US diplomats but Washington’s actions leave next to no choice.