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UN impressed by speed of CSTO deployment in Kazakhstan - Assistant Secretary General

Miroslav Jenca praised the promptness of contacts between the CSTO Secretariat and the UN

MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. UN Assistant Secretary General Miroslav Jenca noted he was impressed by the organization of deployment of the CSTO peacekeeping forces in Kazakhstan during his video meeting with CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas, CSTO spokesman Vladimir Zaynetdinov told TASS Thursday.

"Miroslav Jenca noted that he was impressed with the speed and perfect organization of transportation and deployment of CSTO peacekeeping forces in Kazakhstan. He praised the promptness of contacts between the CSTO Secretariat and the UN, and underscored that UN Secretary General received information about the development of events and the deployment of the peacekeeping contingent on time," he said.