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Putin signs law banning foreign agents’ participation in elections

The elections include those to federal and regional state bodies, to public authorities of a federal territory, as well as to local self-government bodies

MOSCOW, May 15. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a bill that bans foreign agents from being candidates, candidates’ agents, or observers during elections of all levels, according to the document posted on the official website of legal information.

The elections include those to federal and regional state bodies, to public authorities of a federal territory, as well as to local self-government bodies.

In accordance with the new requirements, a candidate registered to take part in the election cannot be on the list of foreign agents. Thus, if a candidate’s application papers says he or she is a foreign agent, such an individual needs to show election commissions a notification from the Russian Justice Ministry about this status being removed from the list of foreign agents and a respective court ruling.

Under the law, foreign agents and individuals on the list of those involved in the activities of an extremist or terrorist organization are prohibited from acting as observes, candidates’ agents or authorized representatives at elections of all levels.

Furthermore, individuals added to the list of those involved in the activities of an extremist or terrorist organization cannot be voting members of election commissions.