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Ukraine to use power lines feeding Zaporozhye NPP for blackmail, Rosenergoatom believes

According to Renat Karchaa, it is possible to achieve power independence for the NPP, but it will take time

MOSCOW, November 8. /TASS/. Ukraine will most likely continue using the ability to shut down the power lines that feed the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant as an element of blackmail, says Rosenergoatom CEO advisor Renat Karchaa opined Tuesday.

On November 3, it became known that Ukraine shut down two power lines feeding the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. This caused the two reactor units that were previously switched from cold shutdown to a hot one to stop supplying heat to Energodar houses. In addition, the specialists had to warm up these reactors using diesel generators, which, as Karchaa explained back then, contradicts all existing procedures and standards. On November 6, Ukraine has restored the power supply to the NPP.

"[Ukraine] has simply ‘pulled the switch.’ […] In my opinion, this is a part of a process that we call blackmail. […] Right now, everything is working. So my prediction in this regard is not too optimistic: I believe that [power will be supplied] for a very limited time. In a while, power will be shut down again," he said on Russian TV.

He explained that the reactors require stable power supply. According to Karchaa, it is possible to achieve power independence for the NPP, but it will take time.

"Yes, we can, but it means time and operations that imply a certain security regime. For Kiev, any story connected to restoration, with carrying out any operations, becomes a target. And they fire at people without thinking twice at all," he explained.