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Putin’s anti-terrorist initiative turns out ever-more relevant, says Lavrov

Russia's top diplomat pointed out that some countries were using terrorist groups for their selfish purposes, thus considerably complicating the struggle against the global terrorist threat

UNITED NATIONS, September 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s initiative for creating an international anti-terrorist organization under the UN aegis he put forward in 2015 is turning out still more relevant in the current conditions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

"The current state of affairs prompts the need for consolidating the forces of the international community to resist the international terrorist network. Speaking in this very building President Putin in 2015 put forward an initiative of creating a wide antiterrorist international front on the basis of the UN Charter, norms and principles of international law without politicization and preconditions," Lavrov said. "This initiative acquires still greater relevance today."

Lavrov pointed out that some countries were using terrorist groups for their selfish purposes, thus considerably complicating the struggle against the global terrorist threat.

"It is absolutely impermissible, and I would like to emphasize this, to use terrorist organizations for selfish political aims. There can be no justification for this," he concluded.