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‘Neural net’ of trade between states to be built on new basis now, says Kremlin

One way or another Russia will maintain various formats of integration with friendly countries, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted

MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. Russia will keep the formats of integration with friendly countries and will resume other ‘neural networks’, which will be now built on a new basis though, considering an unprecedented economic war against Moscow, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with TASS prior to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

"One way or another Russia will maintain various formats of integration with friendly countries, continue trade, investment exchanges, there will be new ‘neural networks’ of trade and production. All this will be resumed on a new basis amid an absolutely unprecedented war that has been announced and launched against us," he said.

Speaking about continuation of global cooperation, Peskov confirmed that the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum still has an international status. "This is probably the largest event in our country and the biggest event for present interested parties in our economy, and there is a fairly large number of them in other countries of the world. There will be foreigners [at the forum], there will be our entrepreneurs, and there will be topics to discuss," he noted.