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Pipeline gas export to non-CIS countries can be 197.3 bln cubic meters in 2021 - forecast

Gas export to CIS states is estimated to be 35.3 bln cubic meters, down 0.3%

MOSCOW, September 30. /TASS/. The pipeline gas export from Russia to non-CIS countries can amount to 197.3 bln cubic meters in 2021, according to the socioeconomic development outlook for 2022 and the planned period of 2023-2024.

"The pipeline gas export in 2021 is expected to be at the level of 232.6 bln cubic meters (+14.9%). Considering current trends of gas supplies to Europe, gas deliveries to non-CIS countries is estimated at the level of 197.3 bln cubic meters (+20.6%)," the document says.

Gas export to CIS states is estimated to be 35.3 bln cubic meters, down 0.3%.