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Russia not to divulge details of possible deployment of short-and medium-range missiles

On June 28, at a meeting with the Russian Security Council, Putin reiterated that, after the US withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019, Russia pledged that it would refrain from manufacturing and deploying such systems as long as the United States refuses to deploy them in any part of the world

MOSCOW, July 1. /TASS/. The parameters of Russia’s potential production and deployment of short-and medium-range missiles will not be announced in detail, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested discussing response measures to the US producing and deploying the missiles.

"It is obvious that such information is hardly likely to be disclosed, after all, this an extremely sensitive field, related to defense and security," the Kremlin official said, replying to a question as to whether Russia will announce in which regions it will deploy the short- and medium-range missiles in response to the US’ actions. "At the same time, you see that the president is raising this issue, and accordingly, as the process with production and so on unfolds, some information will be accessible," Peskov noted.

On June 28, at a meeting with the Russian Security Council, Putin reiterated that, after the US withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 2019, Russia pledged that it would refrain from manufacturing and deploying such systems as long as the United States refuses to deploy them in any part of the world. Now, according to the Russian leader, it became known that not only the US is producing these missiles but has already deployed them in Europe and the Philippines.

Putin noted that it seems that Russia must begin producing these strike systems and, if needed, make decisions on their deployment.