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Russia urges to end Ukraine conflict, not to put it on hold — Putin

According to the Russian leader, "this should not be merely a truce or a temporary ceasefire, nor some kind of pause that the Kiev regime could use to recover losses, regroup and get rearmed"

MOSCOW, July 5. /TASS/. Russia calls for a total end to the conflict in Ukraine, not for a ceasefire, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a joint press conference after the Russian-Hungarian talks.

Putin said that that his previous proposals regarding Ukraine make it possible to halt hostilities and launch negotiations.

"What is more, this should not be merely a truce or a temporary ceasefire, nor some kind of pause that the Kiev regime could use to recover losses, regroup and get rearmed. Russia calls for a total and final end to the conflict," Putin said.

"The conditions for this are outlined in my speech in the Foreign Ministry," the Russian president added.