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Lavrov briefs ICRC head on Kiev’s outrageous human rights abuses

It is noted that "In many ways, what is happening there now is a result of the West’s complete acquiescence to the Kiev regime’s policy of defaulting on its obligations to fulfill the Minsk agreements"

MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, opening Friday’s talks with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Mirjana Spoljaric in Moscow, highlighted Kiev's flagrant violations of international humanitarian law.

"I would like to draw your attention once again to the blatant violations of international humanitarian law by the Ukrainian regime. Evidence of these violations are documented and can be found even on social networks and obtained from other sources of information," he said.

"We expect the ICRC to go ahead with and step up efforts to solve the problem of visiting captured Russians and ensuring their rights. Many of them are subjected to torture and other inhumane methods of influence by the Ukrainian regime," Lavrov said. "The battalions in the service of the Kiev regime do not hesitate to upload videos of the atrocities they resort to against Russians, including the infamous video of the execution of unarmed prisoners of war," Lavrov added.

He drew Spoljaric’s attention to the situation that had developed in Donbass in recent years.

"In many ways, what is happening there now is a result of the West’s complete acquiescence to the Kiev regime’s policy of defaulting on its obligations to fulfill the Minsk agreements, primarily those to granting a special status to the residents of the East of Donbass. Instead, Donbass was subjected to daily bombardments. Civilian infrastructure was being destroyed and civilians were being killed, but very few people cared to pay attention. I have no doubt that the ICRC personnel are well aware of this, because your representatives have been working in Donetsk and Lugansk throughout these years," he concluded.