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Russian companies want to do business with Southeast Asia — diplomat

"The Russia - ASEAN Business Council has been an efficient vehicle for Russian businesses in this huge market for many years," Russian permanent representative with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Yevgeny Zagainov noted

MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. The Russian business community has a growing interest in Southeast Asia, Russian permanent representative with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Yevgeny Zagainov said.

"I would like to note that we are seeing growing interest from the Russian business community in this region," the high-ranking diplomat said.

"The Russia - ASEAN Business Council has been an efficient vehicle for Russian businesses in this huge market for many years," Zagainov noted. "The interest of our businessmen is understandable and related to subjective factors - the economy of Southeast Asia continued demonstrating steady growth rates even amid the pandemic, and the total GDP of ASEAN countries is forecast to approach close to $4 trillion," he added.