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Russian Defense Ministry ready to consider reviving military cooperation with London

"The sides emphasized the importance of maintaining contacts on the issues of how to avoid incidents and reduce the risks of accidental conflicts during military activities," the Defense Ministry said

MOSCOW, February 11. /TASS/. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu pointed out at a meeting with his British counterpart Ben Wallace on Friday that Russia was ready to consider proposals aimed at reviving military cooperation with London, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

According to the ministry, "an understanding was reached at that the contacts between the two countries’ defense ministries should be continued."

"Shoigu emphasized that the Russian Defense Ministry was ready to consider proposals to re-establish bilateral military cooperation. An understanding was reached to continue contacts between the defense ministries," the ministry added.

"The sides emphasized the importance of maintaining contacts on the issues of how to avoid incidents and reduce the risks of accidental conflicts during military activities," the Defense Ministry said.

In general, the ministry reported, "the most pressing issues of European security and cooperation between the two countries’ military ministries" were in the focus of the talks.