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Russia disagrees with Polish OSCE presidency’s assessment of situation in Bucha — envoy

The photos and video footage published by Kiev, which allegedly prove some ‘crimes’ of Russian servicemen in Bucha are a staged provocation and have nothing to do with the reality, Alexander Lukashevich stressed

MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. Russia categorically disagrees with the assessment of Poland, who currently presides in the OSCE, regarding the situation in Ukraine’s Bucha, Russian Permanent Representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich said during the special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council Tuesday, adding that the Polish assessment is based on fakes created by the Ukrainian regime.

"We categorically disagree with the assessment of the current presidency regarding the situation in the town of Bucha in the Kiev Region. They are based solely on propaganda fakes of the Kiev regime, which are being repeated by a number of OSCE member states, inter alia," he said.

Lukashevich underscored that "the photos and video footage published by Kiev, which allegedly prove some ‘crimes’ of Russian servicemen in Bucha are a staged provocation and have nothing to do with the reality."

"Their goal is obvious - to falsely accuse Russian Armed Forces so that the Kiev regime could achieve its practical goals on the international arena," the envoy said.

He mentioned that "Nazi propaganda also used false accusations against Soviet warriors in order to mobilize for a fight against ‘Red Russian beasts’," noting that intents to destroy everything Russian also exist today.

"We point out that calls for violence against [ethnic] Russians and Russian citizens, coming from Ukrainian national TV channels, among other places, including promises to murder all Russian children, meet no condemnation in the OSCE," Lukashevich noted. "Neither from the current Polish presidency, nor from the relevant executive structures of our organization."

The situation in Bucha

On April 3, Russian Ministry of Defense debunked Kiev’s accusations of murder of civilians in the town of Bucha, Kiev Region. The ministry stated that Russian forces have completely left Bucha on March 30 already, while "evidence of crimes" only appeared four days later, when Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) officers arrived in Bucha. The Ministry of Defense also underscored that, on March 31, Bucha Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk confirmed that there were no Russian forces in the town, without mentioning any shot civilians. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the situation in Bucha a "fake news attack."

On Monday, Russian Permanent Representative to UN Vasiliy Nebenzya held an emergency press conference after the UK, which currently presides in the UN Security Council, rejected Russian requests for a meeting on Bucha twice in one day. During the press conference, Russian diplomats presented video footage made in Bucha immediately after the withdrawal of the Russian forces: there were no bodies on the streets.