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3 Dec 2024, 13:31

Northern Supplies cargo traffic makes 3.4 million tons in 2024 — ministry

The biggest share of cargo was fuel and energy - about 70%, or more than 2 million tons

MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. The Northern Supplies' cargo traffic amounted to 3.4 million tons in 2024, the plan was fulfilled by 99%, First Deputy Minister for Development of the Far East and Arctic Gadzhimagomed Guseynov said.

"In 2024, the cargo traffic [amounted to] 3.4 million tons," he said. "It was not an easy task to put together a pilot plan to deliver vital cargo."

The biggest share of cargo was fuel and energy - about 70%, or more than 2 million tons. "The [Northern Supplies] plan for the current year has been fulfilled by 99%," he continued.

The federal coordinator plans to approve Northern Supplies' three-year plan before the current year goes, he said. The cargo traffic plan for the coming year is about 3.4 million tons. "From 2025, <...> the federal coordinator [must] approve a three-year plan for Northern Supplies. We have been doing this work with the regions," he added.

Additionally, next year work will begin to develop the Federal State Information System for Northern Supplies. "This system is integrated with 20 federal and state information systems of various ministries and authorities. Its main task is to let us conclude [contracts for] the purchase and supply of vital cargo under a single contract," he explained.

About Northern Supplies

Northern Supplies is a set of measures for a smooth supply of basic vital goods to the Far North. Deliveries to those places are associated with a number of restrictions in the difficult climatic conditions. Goods are brought by air, river and sea, including along the Northern Sea Route.

A federal law on Northern Supplies came into force on April 1. The list of goods, for the purchase and transportation of which budget loans may be provided, has been expanded tenfold. Additional funds are due to be invested in transport and logistics infrastructures' upgrade. The work to improve further the Northern Supplies mechanism has been ordered by Russia's President Vladimir Putin. In August 2023, he signed a law on the Northern Supplies' legal aspects and procedures.