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Rasht-Astara railroad may be extended to Persian Gulf ports — Russian official

It is noted that there are three main ports in the Persian Gulf area

MOSCOW, November 17. /TASS/. The Rasht-Astara railroad in Iran has the potential for development and extension to three ports in the Persian Gulf, Deputy Transport Minister of Russia Valentin Ivanov told reporters.

"There are two options for implementing this railroad [Rasht-Astara - TASS]: a narrow track all over the territory of Iran, and the second option - to implement a wide gauge," Ivanov said. "Further prospects for developing this line are using a wide gauge right to Persian Gulf ports," the official said.

There are three main ports in the Persian Gulf area, Ivanov noted. It is more advantageous for Russia to make a wide-gauge railroad in Iran so that it does not transship goods from one gauge to another, Ivanov noted.

"The cost efficiency assessment of implementing an entirely wide gauge there [in Iran - TASS] is being made at present; an almost completely new railroad directly to Persian Gulf ports. We will do this technical part, the assessment, in the near future. Then a decision will be made about what is more feasible for implementation," the Deputy Minister added.