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Defense Ministers of Visegrad Group countries pledge support for Ukraine, Israel

The declaration also stresses the importance of cooperation between the Visegrad Group countries in the defense sector and cooperation of military-industrial complex enterprises

PRAGUE, December 8. /TASS/. The defense ministers of the Visegrad Group countries (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) have adopted a declaration in support of Ukraine and Israel, the CTK news agency reported.

The declaration adopted at the end of a two-day meeting of the military chiefs of the regional association's member states held in Prague emphasizes that the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland will support Ukraine as they deem necessary. Bratislava and Budapest, according to the representatives, intend to provide humanitarian and post-war reconstruction assistance to the country, while refraining from military support at the state level.

The declaration also stresses the importance of cooperation between the Visegrad Group countries in the defense sector and cooperation of military-industrial complex enterprises. The effectiveness of the protection of Slovak airspace by the air forces of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland was noted.

The heads of the Defense Ministries of the Visegrad Group countries were joined on Friday by their counterparts from the Central European Defense Cooperation (CEDC) member states and the states of the western Balkan Peninsula. Representatives from 13 countries attended the joint meeting. As TASR news agency previously reported, the focus was on discussing the consequences of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.