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Iran hails Russia’s readiness to act as mediator between Riyadh and Tehran — MFA

During 2021, Tehran and Riyadh were negotiating the possibility of normalizing relations

MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. The Iranian authorities welcome Russia's readiness to play the role of a go-between in negotiations on the normalization of relations between Riyadh and Tehran, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Monday.

"As for the mediating role of Russia, we naturally welcome the role of any country that contributes to the creation of a positive atmosphere in this regard," Kanaani said, speaking about negotiations with Saudi Arabia.

At the same time, he added that Iraqi mediation in this matter had not stopped. "The Iraqi government has always declared its readiness to continue its mediating role," the Tasnim news agency quotes Kanaani as saying.

On November 8, Russia’s special presidential representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, speaking in the wake of reports Iran might allegedly attack Saudi Arabia, said that Russia was in touch with Riyadh and Tehran, ready to act as a go-between, if need be.

During 2021, Tehran and Riyadh were negotiating the possibility of normalizing relations. Four meetings were held in Baghdad. On April 23, the Nour News reported that a fifth round of talks between the two counties was afoot in the Iraqi capital.