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Number of questions for Putin’s annual Direct Line Q&A to surpass 1 mln — Kremlin

According to Dmitry Peskov, the decision to combine the direct line and Putin’s annual press conference was made because the time has come "to take stock on all tracks"

MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/. All questions from the citizenry received for Russian President Vladimir Putin's annual televised Direct Line question-and-answer session will be considered, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the Ren TV channel.

He noted that during the event, the president will traditionally reply only to several dozen questions. "The bulk of them - and this is over 1 mln questions, now we can confidently say that we will seriously exceed 1 mln, all of them will be processed by the All-Russia People's Front assisted by regions, by our monopoly businesses. [Issues] will be resolved, each separate issue will be resolved within a year. This, of course, takes time, usually, it takes a year but each issue will be taken care of," Peskov said.

According to him, the decision to combine the direct line and Putin’s annual press conference was made because the time has come "to take stock on all tracks." "Moreover, it seems that we are summing things up on the eve of the presidential campaign," the Kremlin official noted.

He explained that questions from the population and journalists will alternate. "There will be moderators, as always, they will sit next to Putin, they will run the part which involves the direct line, that is, the questions from the citizens. And I will sit on my usual perch as I normally do but will try to guide the president’s interaction with reporters in the audience," Peskov concluded.