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Talks with Ukraine impossible due to Kiev warmonger policy — Russian diplomat

Maria Zakharova drew attention to the recent pronouncements by Ukrainian politicians about talks with Russia

MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. Talks with Ukraine are impossible because Kiev’s policy is shaped by the party of war, which has lost all touch with reality, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

She drew attention to recent statements by Ukrainian politicians about talks with Russia, including President Vladimir Zelensky’s speech at the Davos forum, in which he reiterated that no talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin are possible.

"It once again proves that the reckless party of war, which has lost all touch with reality, is setting the tone and shaping the policy of the Kiev regime. There can be no talks with Ukraine in such conditions," she stressed.

"While hypocritically expressing concern over casualties on Kiev-controlled territories, the collective West continues to demonstrate that it cares little about the victims of Ukrainian shelling attacks," she noted. "We don’t hear any condemning statements concerning regular attacks by Ukrainian warmongers on residential quarters, schools, hospitals, kindergartens and other social facilities, or the use of prohibited anti-personnel mines against civilian population.

According to Zakharova, the West is indifferent to the fate of civilians who are tortured, persecuted or killed by the Kiev regime on suspicion of disloyalty.

"Kiev and its American and European sponsors don’t care about Ukrainian people and servicemen and are ready to sacrifice them to their own greed and itch to harm Russia," she said, adding that it proves that "the goals of the special military operation linked with the denazification and demilitarization of the current Kiev regime and the removal of serious threats to the security of our country and its citizens coming from Ukrainian territory are still topical and will be attained without fail."