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Russia, Angola must begin to implement cooperation agreements

SOCHI, October 24. /TASS/. Russia and Angola must begin to implement the agreements reached earlier on the development of strategic cooperation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with Angolan President Joao Lourenco.

"During our April talks in Moscow, we have reaffirmed our mutual political commitment to developing bilateral cooperation with the aim to convert it into real strategic partnership. This has been documented in the joint communique signed on the outcomes of your visit," Putin said, addressing Lourenco.

"I think that now, we need to concentrate on the implementation of the agreements that we have already reached. Russian ministries, organizations and state companies are working on it. We hope that our Angolan friends have begun their practical implementation," he stressed. The Russian leader has noted the traditionally friendly nature of relations between Russia and Angola. He stated that both countries are developing new initiatives in the trade-economic, investment and humanitarian spheres, maintaining active political dialogue.

Lourenco came to Moscow on an official visit in early April. He met with Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, on the outcomes of which they signed a joint communique. The parties also signed documents on cooperation in the spheres of mutual interest.

On October 23-24, the resort city of Sochi has hosted the Russia-Africa Summit, co-chaired by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Egypt’s head of state Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. All 54 African countries took part in the event, with 43 of them represented by heads of state. Eight major African integration associations and organizations were also involved in the event. An economic forum took place on the summit’s sidelines, attended by the continent’s heads of state, as well as representatives of the business community and government agencies. The Roscongress Foundation is the organizer of the event, and TASS is the official photo host agency of the summit and economic forum.