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Moscow slaps sanctions on 287 members of British House of Commons

The measure is taken in response to the decision taken by the British government on March 11, 2022, to sanction 386 members of the State Duma of the Russian Federal Assembly

MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. Russia has announced it is slapping individual restrictions on 287 members of the British House of Commons in retaliation for the punitive measures that the UK imposed against State Duma members, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

"In response to the decision taken by the British government on March 11, 2022 to sanction 386 members of the State Duma of the Russian Federal Assembly, personal restrictions are being placed on 287 members of the British House of Commons," the statement reads. The list also includes Sir Lindsay Hoyle, speaker of the lower house of the British parliament.

"The above-mentioned individuals now banned from entering the Russian Federation have played an active part in approving London’s instruments for the anti-Russian sanctions, and have contributed to groundless efforts to whip up Russophobic hysteria in the UK," the ministry added.

"Given London’s gamble to ramp up the anti-Russian sanctions, work on countermeasures and expanding Russia’s stop-list will be continued," the Foreign Ministry vowed.