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One in four in Moscow is immune against coronavirus

According to the latest statistics, over 33 million people have been infected worldwide and more than 1 million deaths have been reported

MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. About a quarter of Moscow's residents have antibodies against the novel coronavirus. In Kaliningrad, the center of Russia's westernmost region, the rate is 50%, the chief of Russia's consumer rights watchdog Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, said on Monday.

"In Moscow 24%-25% for now (have antibodies - TASS)," Popova said on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio station. "In Kaliningrad 50% of the surveyed population have antibodies."

According to the latest statistics, over 33 million people have been infected worldwide and more than 1 million deaths have been reported.

To date, 1,159,573 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Russia, with 945,920 patients having recovered from the disease. Russia’s latest data indicates 20,385 fatalities nationwide. Earlier, the Russian government set up an Internet hotline to keep the public updated on the coronavirus situation.