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Lukashenko says Belarus won’t take part in Russia’s special operation in Ukraine

The president said that the Belarusian armed forces are carrying out their intended missions on the territory of the country

MINSK, March 15. /TASS/. Belarus won’t take part in Russia’s special operation in Ukraine, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said at a meeting with commanders and agents of the country’s security agencies on Tuesday.

"I want to emphasize this once again: We are not going to get involved in this operation that Russia is conducting in Ukraine," he said, the BelTA news service reported. "Most importantly, I’m telling you as military servicemen, there is no need for this."

Lukashenko said he believes Russia "has enough troops there."

"Can we give something to Russia from the perspective of weapons? No. We buy all this from the Russian Federation," he went on to say. "They have everything and even better. That’s why we have no business there. And no one is telling us to go there."

The president said that the Belarusian armed forces are carrying out their intended missions on the territory of the country. "Our task - which is very important in any battle, not only in war - is to prevent an attack from behind on advancing troops. The Russian ones," he said. "We must never allow this."

He said Belarus is "doing this, because we need this, as a state, in order to protect our borders in the northwest, west, and even, as it happens, in the south."