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Movement against anti-Russian sanctions gaining momentum in Germany — MP

Steffen Kotre said that the initiative is directed against political and economic sanctions that have been imposed on Russia, China, Iran and other states, "which have caused more harm to the German economy than to these countries themselves"

BERLIN, October 11. /TASS/. A movement against anti-Russian sanctions called "Stop the sanctions" (Stoppt die Sanktionen) has been created in Germany, and it is gaining momentum every day, Steffen Kotre, a member of the Bundestag (German parliament) from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) faction and a member of the parliamentary committee on energy and climate protection told TASS.

"The movement is gaining popularity, members of the Landtags (regional parliaments - TASS), members of the German Bundestag and members of the European Parliament have already joined it. Besides, we are receiving support from politicians and citizens of Germany and other European countries, who are no less than Germans concerned of what is happening and prospects of an almost inevitable energy crisis," Kotre noted.

He said that the initiative is directed against political and economic sanctions that have been imposed on Russia, China, Iran and other states, "which have caused more harm to the German economy than to these countries themselves."

"People in this country are worried about consequences of the sanctions, everyone feels a decline in standard of living, social security and deterioration in many other areas <...>," the parliamentarian noted. "A government that puts indefinite geopolitical goals above the interests of its own people is no longer trustworthy," Kotre said.

"The movement is an informal structure that is open to anyone who wants to break through the blockade imposed on us. Only together can we achieve the lifting of sanctions, which have terrible consequences for the European economy, return to our former standards of living and continue to develop," the MP explained.

Kortre called on everyone to read the program memorandum and the report on the situation in the German economy, which are published on the movement’s website.

"I am sure that our viewpoint and our goals will conquer millions of European minds and hearts," the MP said. The initiative has already been supported by other Bundestag members from Alternative for Germany (AfD), in particular Matthias Mosdorf, Christina Baum, Martin Reichardt, Rainer Rothfuss, Gereon Bohlmann, Kai Gottschalk, Steffen Janich, several members of the European Parliament, such as Maximilian Krah, and regional politicians.

The program document published on the movement’s website states that its participants plan to collect detailed information about the consequences of sanctions for the German economy, communicate with entrepreneurs affected by them, organize meetings with them and concerned citizens, work on social networks, prepare petitions and requests. All activities, according to the assurances of the organizers, will be carried out strictly within the framework of German and European legislation.