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Risk of oropouche fever spreading in Russia ruled out — sanitary watchdog agency

The Rospotrebnadzor press office specified that mosquito species Aedes serratus and Culex quinquefasciatus, which transmit the disease, do not inhabit Russia

MOSCOW, July 26. /TASS/. The risk of the oropouche fever, which has already killed two in Brazil, in Russia is ruled out, the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) press office told reporters.

"Due to the absence of transmission vectors (reservoirs and sources of infection) in Russia, the spread of the oropouche fever is ruled out," the Russian sanitary watchdog said.

Previously, the Ministry of Health of Brazil reported the first two fatalities, caused by the oropouche fever, in the world. The disease’s symptoms were similar to a severe form of the dengue fever. According to the ministry, over 7,000 cases of this virus were registered in 20 states of Brazil in 2024. No fatalities, caused by this fever, have been reported until now.

The press office also added that mosquito species Aedes serratus and Culex quinquefasciatus, which transmit the disease, do not inhabit Russia. The specialists monitor the situation in real time at border checkpoints using the Perimetr automated information system, identifying people with signs of infectious diseases, including those arriving from countries with unfavorable epidemiological situation.

The oropouche virus was identified in 1955 in the eponymous village in Trinidad and Tobago - an island state in the southern part of the Caribbean. The disease is being transmitted thourgh mosquito and midge bites.