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Russian, Chinese prime ministers to share notes, ‘synchronize watches’ at year-end meeting

Mikhail Mishustin also highlighted the huge potential for cooperation between the two countries

BEIJING, May 24. /TASS/. The prime ministers of Russia and China will hold a meeting at the end of the year to compare notes and "synchronize their watches," Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said on Wednesday at a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

"We have agreed to activate the logistical work and mechanisms for holding regular meetings of the heads of government of Russia and China. It [the bilateral mechanism - TASS] encompasses five intergovernmental commissions at the deputy prime ministerial level and more than 80 sector-specific working groups. We will compare notes at the next regular meeting of prime ministers, which will take place at the end of this year," Mishustin said.

The Russian prime minister also highlighted the huge potential for cooperation between the two countries. "The season of ‘xiaoman’ [Chinese for ‘Grain Buds,’ the name of the eighth solar term in China’s traditional 24-term calendar - TASS] occurred three days ago under the Chinese lunar calendar. It symbolizes the time when wheat begins to ripen and the springtime filling of rivers with water. I propose considering the successes that have been achieved to date in developing Sino-Russian ties as just ‘xiaoman’ for now. By steadily building up our cooperation together with our Chinese friends, we will assuredly reap a bumper harvest, or the ‘da fengshou’ [Chinese for ‘bumper harvest’ - TASS], as the Chinese saying goes," Mishustin added.