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Russia and US have no contacts regarding Putin’s proposals on Ukraine — senior diplomat

"The entire dialogue that we are conducting with the United States today concerns specific issues of the functioning of diplomatic missions, some humanitarian cases, visa issues," Sergey Ryabkov said

MOSCOW, June 19. /TASS/. Russia and the United States have not conducted any contacts through diplomatic channels regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s new proposals for Ukraine, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview with TASS.

"With the United States? No. The entire dialogue that we are conducting with the United States today concerns specific issues of the functioning of diplomatic missions, some humanitarian cases, visa issues. And occasional exchanges at multilateral platforms, narrowly specialized ones, I would say, also sometimes take place," he noted.

"But no other dialogue, including on the issues that were reflected in the speech of the President of the Russian Federation on June 14, is being conducted with the Americans," the senior diplomat stressed.

Earlier, Putin made new peace proposals to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, providing for the recognition of the status of Crimea, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions as regions of the Russian Federation, the consolidation of the non-aligned and nuclear-free status of Ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification, and the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions. Kiev rejected this initiative.