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Putin hopes culture will make truth about Russia known around the world

The Russian president expressed the certainty that Russia will see this happen

NOVO-OGARYOVO, March 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes that truth about Russia will make its way around the world through culture. He shared his thoughts on this score at a meeting with the winners of the presidential awards in culture and the arts on Friday.

"I believe that many of you know a street artist in Naples just recently painted a portrait of Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky on the wall of a building in protest of attempts being made in the West to ‘cancel’ this Russian literature classic. This gesture makes one hopeful that truth will make its way forward via people’s mutual affection and culture, which unites us all. And that culture and education will successfully cope with their mission of sowing the seeds of enlightenment and kindness," he said.

Putin expressed the certainty that Russia will see this happen. He addressed the participants in the meeting - young culture workers and winners of prizes for works of culture for children in these words: "Friends, you belong to different generations and to different spheres of Russian culture and enlightenment, but you share a strong commitment to your cause, seek to multiply our richest traditions and rear generations of thinking and well-versed individuals, capable of perceiving and sharing with others traditional values and possessing great knowledge of and respect for our country’s past and present - true citizens of Russia.".