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Dagestan terror attacks give renewed urgency to fighting IS — media

Abdulkadir Selvi recalled that Turkey has been repeatedly subjected to terrorist sorties by IS

ISTANBUL, June 25. /TASS/. The terrorist attacks in Dagestan have once again demonstrated the importance of continuing the fight against the Islamic State (IS, banned in Russia) terrorist organization, the Turkish Hurriyet newspaper said.

According to the daily, such terrorist attacks cannot be carried out without the support of foreign intelligence services, particularly the CIA in this case. The newspaper does not cite any facts confirming the involvement of IS and the US intelligence services in the attacks.

"The attack in Dagestan has once again shown us how important it is to keep fighting against IS," columnist Abdulkadir Selvi said. "Such actions are impossible without the encouragement, support and utilization of the capabilities of the means of international intelligence services. Through its attacks, IS is sending a signal to Russia that it will strike it from the inside," the journalist argues. "Looking at the IS attack in Dagestan, it is clear that it is a message to Russia. Its originator is [US President Joe] Biden, and its addressee is Russian President [Vladimir] Putin," Selvi writes.

He recalled that Turkey has been repeatedly subjected to terrorist sorties by IS. "We drove IS from our borders during Operation Euphrates Shield [in northern Syria], but Turkey is still one of the countries targeted by the terrorist organization," the columnist pointed out.

On June 23, unknown persons in Derbent and Makhachkala attacked two Orthodox churches and two synagogues. According to the latest data, 20 people were killed and 26 injured. A criminal case has been initiated over a terrorist attack. According to the National Antiterrorism Committee, five militants have been neutralized.