MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. The published version of US special counsel Robert Mueller’s report contains not a single piece of evidence of Russia’s alleged intervention in the US election, the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s North America Department, Georgy Borisenko, told the media on Friday.
"The report confirms the absence of any arguments to the effect Russia allegedly intervened in the US election," he said. "Not a single piece of evidence is there. The authors of the report have in fact confessed they have nothing to report."
The US Department of Justice on Thursday published the final report of special counsel Robert Mueller who had probed into rumors over Moscow’s alleged intervention in the US presidential election of 2016. Mueller claims that Russia tried to exert influence on the 2016 presidential campaign. At the same time Mueller acknowledged that the probe unearthed no evidenced of President Donald Trump’s collusion with Moscow.