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Senior Russian diplomat points to recent US preparations for nuclear tests in Nevada

As Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov pointed out, "everything depends on the United States" and "Washington’s potential move to embark upon the destructive pathway of carrying out nuclear tests would trigger the position formulated by the Russian president"

MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. Russia recorded the signs of recent US preparations for nuclear tests in Nevada, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters in the lower house of Russia’s parliament on Tuesday.

"There are signs that corresponding efforts are being carried out or were carried out at least until recently at the Nevada proving ground," the senior Russian diplomat said.

As the senior Russian diplomat pointed out, "everything depends on the United States" and "Washington’s potential move to embark upon the destructive pathway of carrying out nuclear tests would trigger the position formulated by the Russian president," Ryabkov pointed out.

"We will be forced to respond in kind to this as well. Then quite a different situation will emerge," the high-ranking diplomat said, noting that Washington would bear responsibility for that.

"They [the United States] have now received what they presumed for themselves but somehow believed that others, we, in particular, would turn a blind eye to it," the senior Russian diplomat went on to say.

"Nothing has come out of this. Let them make further conclusions. If they want to go along the pathway of escalation, then they will possibly get the resumption of nuclear tests," Ryabkov warned, calling this "an extremely negative scenario."

"But we should also be ready for this," he said.