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Russian embassy hands Germany protest over desecration of WWII memorial

The embassy noted that the Berlin law enforcement agencies acted quickly to rectify the damage

BERLIN, March 30. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy has sent a note to the German Foreign Ministry, protesting against vandalism targeting memorials in Germany and demanding that the German authorities find and punish those responsible for the most recent desecration of a war memorial in Berlin.

"We are outraged by this act perpetrated in the pre-dawn hours of March 30, 2022, against a monument of Soviet tanks making part of the architectural ensemble of the world-renowned memorial in Berlin’s Tiergarten. It was covered with cloth in colors of the Ukrainian flag," the embassy said in a statement circulated on Wednesday.

"The embassy sent a note to the German Foreign Ministry pointing to the inadmissibility of the desecration of Soviet military graves and memorials on the territory of Germany and the importance of strictly complying with the provisions of the December 16, 1992 agreement between the government of the Russian Federation and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the maintenance and care for military graves," the embassy said. "We demanded that the guilty parties be found and brought to justice," it said.

The embassy stressed that it "considers the incident to be a desecration of a monument dedicated to the Soviet soldiers who laid down their lives in battles to liberate Europe from Nazism". It noted that the Berlin law enforcement agencies acted quickly to rectify the damage.

On Wednesday, Germany’s RBB radio station said that unidentified individuals draped huge Ukrainian flags over the Soviet tanks making up part of the memorial in Tiergarten. The Berlin police confirmed to TASS that about 7 am, local time, blue-and-yellow cloths were discovered on the tanks. "The cloths were removed and no damage to the monument was found," the police said.

A tidal wave of severances with Russian agencies and companies continues in the midst of the developments in Ukraine. Internet users have reported incidents of aggression against Russians, about crude remarks scrawled on the buildings housing Russian agencies. Meanwhile, the mounting flow of refugees from Ukraine is adding fuel to that fire. Earlier, the Russian Embassy in Berlin said it was receiving hundreds of reports from fellow countrymen complaining about their rights being violated.