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Number of wounded in shelling in Russia’s Belgorod Region climbs to six

According to the governor, the residents of the settlement will be taken to a safe location

MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. Six people were wounded, one was killed in a bombardment of the border settlement of Solokhi in Russia’s Belgorod Region, the region’s Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote on his Telegram channel on Wednesday.

"The latest data on casualties from the region’s Health Ministry: six people wounded, one person killed," the governor reported. He added that a 14-year-old boy is among the wounded, he is receiving medical aid at the regional hospital.

According to the governor, the residents of the settlement will be taken to a safe location. "The population of the Solokhi settlement will be taken to a safe location under the guidance of the district’s head Vladimir Pertsev and head of the regional Emergencies Ministry Sergey Potapov," the governor wrote.

As reported earlier, on Wednesday, the Solokhi settlement in the Belgorod district was shelled from the Ukrainian side. According to preliminary information, one residential building was partially destroyed. Smoke was reported beyond the boundaries of the settlement due to reeds catching fire. The Belgorod district is in the south-western Belgorod Region bordering the Dergachev and Kharkov districts of Ukraine’s Kharkov Region. The Solokhi settlement is about 11 kilometers from the border.