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Kiev responsible for 192 child deaths on Russian territory since February 2022 — envoy

Nebenzya pointed out that the Ukrainian military "is also responsible for the deaths of 129 and injuries of 503 children in Donbass" from 2014 to 2022

UNITED NATIONS, June 26. /TASS/. Ukraine’s military is accountable for the deaths of 192 children and for the maiming of 554 more minors on Russian territory since February 2022, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said.

"The armed formations controlled by the Kiev regime are deliberately targeting civilian facilities, such as schools, kindergartens and medical institutions. The Ukrainian armed forces are responsible for 192 child deaths and for the maiming of 554 more children on the territory of the Russian Federation over the period between February 2022 and April 2024," he said at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

Nebenzya pointed out that the Ukrainian military "is also responsible for the deaths of 129 and injuries of 503 children in Donbass" from 2014 to 2022.

The Russian ambassador emphasized that "in 2023 alone, more than 1,000 medical and educational institutions in Russia were destroyed or damaged by the Ukrainian armed forces."

"Since February 2022, Ukrainian forces have carried out more than 1,625 attacks on civilian infrastructure facilities in 28 Russian regions, and in ten of them minors were injured," the diplomat said, adding that "Russian relevant authorities are documenting all crimes committed by the Kiev regime.".