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Hungarian PM says West's quest to defeat Russia in Ukrainian conflict hopeless

While blaming Russia for the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, Viktor Orban pointed out that the main reason for the conflict was Kiev's intention to join NATO
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
© AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert

BUDAPEST, June 21. /TASS/. Western countries led by the United States and supported by Germany want to defeat Russia in Ukraine, but these plans are hopeless and will cost such a high price that they are simply not worth it, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told the Kossuth radio.

"The situation looks like the Western world wants to defeat Russia with the help of Germany under the leadership of the United States," the prime minister said. "I think it is hopeless. And even if we succeed, which is not at all realistic, we will have to pay such a high price that it will not be worth it," Orban emphasized.

While blaming Russia for the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, he pointed out that the main reason for the conflict was Kiev's intention to join NATO. "In the end, the question is whether Ukraine will become a NATO member or not. This war is about Sevastopol, where there will be a NATO flag or a Russian flag at the exit to the Black Sea. The Russians say that the Russian flag is flying there now, and they don't want to change it to a NATO flag, and they don't want to border NATO countries," the Hungarian prime minister said.