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Canada's 'blind obedience' to Washington makes it look like 51st US state — DPRK analyst

Korean Central Telegraphic Agency international observer La Chong Min urged Ottawa not to damage its own interests and warned that the countries of the Korean Peninsula region are closely watching the Canadian side's actions

SEOUL, October 10. /TASS/. Ottawa's desire to blindly obey Washington and do anything to please them will turn Canada into the 51st state of the United States, said Korean Central Telegraphic Agency international observer La Chong Min.

"If Canada continues to be a servant of the United States, it will be called the '51st state' of the USA, just like the 'Republic of Korea'," said the analyst from the DPRK, commenting on Canada's statement about Operation Neon in the region of the Korean Peninsula, which the country launched in the beginning of October in order to comply with UN Security Council resolutions.

According to the analyst, sending military planes and vessels to this hot spot is a very dangerous move that "adds fuel to the fire" and undermines stability. "It seems that Canada, consumed by its subservience to the US and lacking any basic thinking skills, has misjudged the level of danger of the situation on the peninsula," La Chong Min said. In his opinion, such actions stem from "anachronistic illusions and blind faith in the American master."

"It is no coincidence that the international community unanimously views Canada's 'active efforts to ensure peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region' as an attempt to prove its loyalty to the United States," the analyst writes.

"As a result of this kind of thinking and in order to create a welcoming atmosphere, Canadian authorities 'respectfully' invited a Nazi to Parliament and had to apologize for it after international condemnation," the article said. "This is a logical outcome for Canada, which in the absence of firm convictions is in the habit of enjoying a sense of boundless satisfaction and comfort in its reckless obedience to its master," the columnist emphasizes.

He urged Ottawa not to damage its own interests and warned that the countries of the region are closely watching the Canadian side's actions.