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Putin hopes Russia-WADA work is outside of politics

On September 23, WADA launched an inquiry into the compliance status of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency after inconsistencies in the Moscow lab databases emerged

NIZHNY NOVGOROD, October 10. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced Russia’s intention to continue working with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). At the same time, the Russian leader is hoping that no one will face political discrimination when resolving problematic issues.

"Of course, we are aware of problems that our athletes particularly are facing. We will be working calmly on them. I mean the issues relating to anti-doping events," Putin said at a meeting with heads of international sports organizations. "We have been cooperating, are cooperating and will cooperate with WADA. I am just hoping that all issues of this kind will be resolved on equal footing, equally, within the current sport legislation and no one will face discrimination on any political grounds," the Russian president underlined, adding that "sport should unite people instead of dividing them."

On September 23, WADA launched an inquiry into the compliance status of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) after inconsistencies in the Moscow lab databases emerged. WADA gave Russia three weeks to explain this situation. In early October, the Russian side sent a letter to WADA with answers and explanations. The answers were given to 31 questions, which arose based on a technical and investigation reports.