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US provocations, Ukraine: Putin's remarks to BRICS media leaders

According to the Russian leader, Western countries, led by the United States, have caused the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and have started the war back in 2014

MOSCOW, October 18. /TASS/. The United States is provoking tension in the world by deploying weapons in Asia, threatening Russia and China, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the heads of leading BRICS media.

According to the president, Western countries, led by the United States, have caused the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and have started the war back in 2014. He also pointed out that Ukraine’s statements about creating nuclear weapons are just another provocation.

TASS has gathered the key statements made by the Russian president.

US provocations

The United States is igniting tensions in the world by deploying weapons in Asia, where they threaten Russia and China: "They are creating additional centers of tension, deploying serious weapons that are threatening countries of the region, including China and Russia." The United States interferes in Asian affairs itself and pulls its NATO allies along "like little dogs on a leash."


Western countries, led by the United States, have caused the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and have started the war back in 2014: "Let me remind you once more: back in 2014, Western states, led by the US, have either organized or supported the coup d’etat [in Ukraine]. This is what started the entire crisis. And, after that, they have been pushing NATO into this crisis for years."

Ukraine’s statements about creating nuclear weapons are just another provocation: "This is a dangerous provocation, as, of course, any step in this direction will be met with an appropriate response."

Russia is able to monitor any movement towards obtaining nuclear weapons by Kiev, it is "impossible to conceal."

Russia is ready to hold a dialogue on a peaceful settlement of conflict in Ukraine, but only based on the Istanbul agreements.

Russia is aware that the conflict around Ukraine is an "irritant" in international affairs and Moscow wants to settle it peacefully as soon as possible.

Russia wants peaceful settlement in Ukraine especially because it cares for its soldiers.

The Ukrainian crisis is far from being over: "The situation is not easy. The Ukrainian crisis is far from being over."


The United States should think of souring relations with Russia and of the adverse effect for the dollar from its sanctions.

Global order

Russia is not seeking to rearrange the world and the emergence of new centers of power is a natural process: "This is happening naturally. We merely say that this is an inevitable process and we must react to it correspondingly."

Settlements in national currencies

Russia did not abandon the dollar as a universal currency but was denied in using it, and 95% of trading operations with partners are now in national currencies. Russia will offer BRICS partners to use digital currencies in investments.

The Middle East

Israel will not be able to resolve the Palestinian issue via material stimuli for the Palestinians alone, as spiritual matters are equally important: "I believe that, in addition to purely material issues, there are also issues, connected to the spiritual sphere, with history, with aspirations of one or another nation living on certain territories. This issue is much deeper and much more complicated."

"The Palestinians will not go away, this is their land, and one must understand this."

No one is interested in the conflict in the Middle East and it is quite possible to find a solution to it.

The situation between Israel and Iran is fairly tense. Russia is in contact with both countries and hopes that the "endless exchange of attacks" between them will be brought to an end.

BRICS potential

The economies of Russia, China, India and Saudi Arabia will demonstrate growth, while it will be advanced in African and Southeast Asian nations.

"BRICS makes up 45% of the planet’s population, accounting for 33% of the landmass. It represents a constant growth of trade turnover."

"In some areas, human race cannot exist at all without the BRICS countries — I mean food markets, energy, but also in high-tech areas, in particular in the development of artificial intelligence and its use, we are not only acquiring competencies, but in certain areas we are becoming leaders."

The number of BRICS members and supporters is growing, the interest in the association’s activities is very great.

At least 30 world nations want to join BRICS’ activities this or that way: "But at this point, we together with all members of the organization should consider our position on the [association’s] expansion. Definitely, we will push away no one. Our door is definitely open."

Consensus among BRICS nations is needed to make a decision on the association’s further expansion: "Of course, consensus is needed on this matter. And we will tread this path carefully, being guided by two principles, with the first being multilateralism, and the second one — the organization’s efficacy."

Cooperation with China

Russia-China cooperation is one of the key factors of global strategic stability.

Russia ranks fourth by its share in the trade turnover of China, which is buying Russian energy resources with pleasure.

Moscow stays out of the relations between Beijing and Washington.

The International Criminal Court

Many countries of the world do not recognize the International Criminal Court, this organization has no universal significance. It is very easy to circumvent an International Criminal Court arrest warrant, should it be necessary: ""Decisions of this kind are very easy to circumvent. Like, piece of cake.".