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Mutiny attempt did not affect attitude to voluntary service in special op area – official

Almost 10,000 people have signed a contract with the RF Armed Forces over the past week, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council noted

MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. The mutiny attempt did not affect the attitude of Russian citizens to voluntary military service in the special military operation area, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said Tuesday, adding that during the last week alone almost 10,000 people have signed a contract with the Armed Forces.

"I would like to particularly point out that the mutiny attempt did not affect the citizens’ attitude to voluntary service in the special op area in any way," Medvedev said during a meeting on staffing the Armed Forces. He underscored that Russian "volunteers display high, even very high level of support for the president and the state and are ready to defend their homeland."

"During the last week alone, almost 10,000 people have signed a contract with the Armed Forces," the official said.

Meanwhile, "between January 1 and July 4 this year, over 185,000 people have been admitted to the Armed Forces," the politician said. Out of these 185,000, 109,000 are reservists and other categories of citizens who signed up for voluntary military service, Medvedev added.

According to the official, the "rate of admission of volunteers has been increased to 1,400 people per day in June.".