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Houthis launch five drones, two ballistic missiles from Yemen, CENTCOM says

According to the US Central Command, neither warships nor commercial vessels were hit

NEW YORK, June 1. /TASS/. Yemen’s Houthi movement Ansar Allah launched five drones and two anti-ship ballistic missiles into the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden on Friday, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) wrote on its X page.

According to CENTCOM, the Houthis launched the first unmanned aerial vehicle in the direction of the Red Sea at 01:30 a.m. Sana’a time on May 31. The drone fell into the Red Sea, without causing any damage either to the US and coalition warships or commercial vessels.

Between 02:53 a.m. and 10:59 p.m., CENTCOM forces destroyed the rebels’ drone over the Gulf of Aden and three more over the Red Sea. All of them were launched from the Houthi-controlled area in Yemen, the US Central Command said.

At 9:31 p.m., the Houthis launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles into the Gulf of Aden. Neither warships nor commercial vessels were hit.

Following the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Gaza Strip, Yemen’s Ansar Allah rebel movement (Houthis) warned that they would carry out strikes on Israeli territory and would bar any ships associated with the Jewish state from sailing across the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait until the operation in the Palestinian enclave ended. Since mid-November 2023, the Houthis have attacked dozens of civilian ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.