SEOUL, August 4. /TASS/. The events in Ukraine demonstrate that the authorities who "bow before external forces and turn away from their own people are doomed to a sad fate," reads a commentary uploaded to the North Korean Foreign Ministry’s website.
The commentary recalls that while speaking at the Strong Ideas for a New Time forum sometime ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin shared his ideas of sovereignty. In particular, he stressed that the Western elites would fail to preserve the existing international order.
"The current situation in Ukraine clearly demonstrates that the authorities who have turned their backs on their people and compatriots to bow to external forces are doomed to a sad fate. This shows that humanity will not get rid of suffering and misfortunes as long as there is imperialism, with its innate features such as aggression and domination," the commentary reads. "No matter how desperately the West may be trying to maintain a world order where it runs the show, it will not be able to stop the international movement towards sovereign development."
"Russia was forced to launch a special operation in Ukraine. The reason is NATO has been continuously expanding to the east and narrowing the ring around Russia and deploying infrastructure in the border regions, thus posing a threat to security," the commentary’s authors said.
"It is no coincidence that both Russia’s president and foreign minister advocated the speedy eradication of the unipolar world and called for a world order architecture that would ensure the equality of all countries," the commentary says. "One can say that this is a reflection of the readiness to prevent any actions by the collective West it may resort to for the sake of its aims while neglecting the interests of other states and their right to development and existence."