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Russian official calls for synchronizing efforts with Pyongyang against common challenges

According to Igor Krasnov, the Russian side is ready to invite the University of the Russian Prosecutor Office to help in this work

PYONGYANG, July 22. /TASS/. Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov has called for developing legal cooperation with North Korea, including via regular exchange of information about legislative acts and the best practices of their implementation, in order to synchronize efforts against transnational crime and other current challenges.

"During talks with North Korean Prosecutor General Kim Chol Wong, we agreed to strengthen cooperation on a wide spectrum of issues of mutual interest," he said at a meeting with Vice President of the Presidium of the North Korean Supreme People’s Assembly Kim Yong Sok. "For these ends, I think it important to establish regular exchanges of legislative acts and information about the best practices of their implementation in order to synchronize our efforts against transnational crime and other pressing challenges."

According to Krasnov, the Russian side is ready to invite the University of the Russian Prosecutor Office to help in this work.

"I am sure that thanks to our joint efforts we will be able to efficiently confront international criminal activities and relations between Russia and North Korea in a wide range of area will continue strengthening in the spirit of mutual respect and support for the independent foreign policy course," he stressed.

The Russian prosecutor general recalled that singe the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 75 years ago, cooperation between them has been developing in a wide spectrum of areas and the treaty on comprehensive strategic partnership, which was signed earlier this year, has given a fresh impetus to it.