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West may join Eurasian security plans if they abandon superiority complex — Lavrov

The foreign minister recalled that for the first decade and a half of the Russian Federation's existence, the country's good relations with Europe were sincere

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. The West could take part in forming the Eurasian security paradigm if it changes its attitude, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"We are now working with our neighbors and colleagues to further develop the Eurasian security concept, and this could potentially involve bringing in our Western neighbors if they come to their senses and get off their high horse," the top diplomat said at the Primakov Readings forum.

The foreign minister recalled that for the first decade and a half of the Russian Federation's existence, the country's good relations with Europe were sincere. Now this no longer suits Russia, because "the partners we had in these structures and in the OSCE, the NATO-Russia Council and the Russia-EU Council have turned out to be unscrupulous, dishonest and incapable of negotiation, doing everything to undermine our legitimate interests on the orders of the US and not fulfilling their commitments."

"The Finlandization of Europe did not take place, the Americans simply didn't let Europe become an independent actor based on the principle of neutrality," Lavrov said, adding that during the first years of Russia’s existence, NATO cooperated with Russia well and these two powers were no threat to each other.

The Primakov Readings international forum is being held in Moscow on June 25-26. TASS is the event’s general information partner.