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Putin emphasizes need for diplomatic cooperation in buttressing emerging multipolar world

The Russian leader noted that the opinions of all international participants should be taken into account and it is necessary to be ready to compromise when making important decisions

HARBIN, May 17. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has urged to prop up the multipolar world now taking shape.

"Certainly, buttressing the emerging multipolar world is a must," the Russian leader said, noting that there is no doubt that it is currently being formed. "Everybody is perfectly aware of this," he told journalists

"It is important that those who are trying to retain their monopoly on the decision-making on all issues worldwide, realizing this, <…> will do everything that depends on them in this case in order for this process to be natural, let me repeat, peaceful and non-confrontational," Putin added, noting that the opinions of all international participants should be taken into account and it is necessary to be ready to compromise when making important decisions.

"We do have this attitude, we are set precisely for such work," the Russian president stressed.